'£1.70 for a Battenburg?!!'
That accounted for the sound he made, but his face was as priceless as the cake. You'd have thought the guy at the till had farted in his face or something. Utter, utter disgust.
But the rather bemused part-timer wasn't for budging and his sweet-toothed patron left with nothing to have with his tea. Not, of course, before muttering '£1.70?!' to himself repeatedly on his way to the door.
People are funny. But isn't Battenburg expensive?
battenburg is expensive.
How many times have I walked out in disgust from a coffee emporium and refused to buy their fare?
Memo to self, Take a stand more.
how may times have i exited a coffee emporium in disgust at their prices?
Note to self, improve will power, take a stand more.
Someone should stand up and highlight the price of battenburg!
I relaise i've just replied twice.
I thought it hadn't worked the first time.
See, everybody thought it was a coffee shop! LOL!
Ok, so it was a Spar. And it was like a regular battenburg cake like you would buy in a shop to take home and slice and eat with a cup of tea you made for yourself. Does that make it a better story? More funny?
Well it doesn't make it any less funny!
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