Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I had my first encounter with an iPhone yesterday. The touch screen is brilliant both in the way it operates and in the way it looks. It is vibrant, bright, intuitive and boy does it look gooooood.

A couple of things are putting me off buying it. One is that it costs £269 and the other is that I have a feeling they'll bring out a 3G version next year.

Somethings worth considering and so far I haven't heard anyone asking:
  1. What happens when they bring a new one out? Do we all have to buy it and transfer our contracts?
  2. If we do that, will the our old handsets be of any use to anyone?
  3. Will O2 continue to be the sole provider or will future generations of iPhones be open to all or maybe even exclusive to another operator?
But I think that even with the above taken into consideration I would have bought one - if I had the money to do so!

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