Wednesday, April 25, 2007

iSync, Spanning Sync and Goosync Update

I am pleasantly surprised. After blogging the last post I opened my Google Calendar to remove the offending double entries etc. I then ran Spanning Sync to update iCal. Sadly, iCal seemd to update Google again with all the entries I had already deleted.

So why am I still pleasantly surprised? Well, because there is more.....

I then deleted the duplicate entries from iCal and ran iSync to update my phone. I limited my phones access to my own calendars. As I did this, the Goosync application on my phone (forgot to mentiont that bit before) also activated itself. So in one action, that is, running iSync my mac updated my phone which in turn syncronised with Google!

I think this is what happened. I am pretty tired so maybe when I think about it some more I'll have to correct this. At the moment I'm liking Goosync a lot!

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